Inside Our Gallery: The Art of Creating Ceramic Daisies

When you visit our gallery, you'll notice that each piece tells a unique story. What you might not know is that Many of the CERAMIC items on display hAve been lovingly handcrafted by us, right on-site in the L’Arte Gallery.We're excited to take you behind the scenes and share a glimpse of our creative process, with a focus on how we handmake daisies – one of our most popular items:

1. Working up Clay and Rolling Out:

We start with a lump of clay, and the magic begins. The clay is then rolled out to the desired thickness, ensuring it's just right for creating daisies.

2. Cutting and Shaping:

Using a special cutter, we carefully cut out daisy shapes from the rolled-out clay. Each one is unique and special. Our ceramic artists then shape the clay daisies, adding delicate details that give them their unique appearance.

3. Adding Details and Bases:

The base of each daisy is carefully attached, providing stability and balance. A tiny, intricate centre is added to each daisy.

4. Painting and Detailing:

Now it's time to add a base colour to the daisies, creating a canvas for the intricate detailing. Our artists outline the daisy petals, making sure every line is perfect. We use slip trailing to create spots and stripes on the daisies, giving them character.

5. Kiln Firing:

The daisies are placed in the kiln for their first firing, where they will be heated for two days to strengthen and set the clay. After the first firing, the daisies are carefully removed from the kiln and then glazed for a beautiful finish. They are loaded into the kiln once again for a second firing, lasting two more days.

6. Final Touches:

After the second firing, the daisies are taken out of the kiln once more, ready to reveal their final form. The stems are attached to each daisy, completing the process of daisy making.

7. Ready for Display:

The daisies are carefully stored away, ready for purchase online or in our gallery, or displayed in our garden. All of these steps take between 4-6 weeks before you can get your hands on them.

We hope this glimpse behind the scenes gives you a deeper appreciation for the handcrafted ceramics that fill our gallery. Come visit us and see the beauty of handmade art for yourself!

Kim Manunui